欢迎来到足彩外围2020-2025年大学战略规划网站. This site chronicles the strategic planning process and provides updates for the ongoing development of our next strategic plan. 我们确定了三个战略主题:

  • 转型的经验
  • Strategic Growth
  • 授权的社区

我们的战略计划代表了人心, 价值观和传统构成了我们大学的基础. 通过全面的, 合作过程, 这个战略计划的标题, “丰富的历史/大胆的未来,“建立在我们校园社区的集体卓越之上.

Ashland must soar above the day-to-day challenges that face higher education to become the nationally recognized university that focuses on students as the heart of all we do. 这所大学以“注重个人”而闻名,“我们的计划将满足每个学生的教育和个人目标.

这个计划是我们的路线图. 本文档将指导, 作为活文件的, 当我们建立一个伟大的学习场所时,这个框架将被修改, work and grow. Ashland University will be a place where all students and personnel are valued and empowered to be transformed and transform their communities and the world.

我们要感谢你们每一个人, students, faculty, staff, 校友和董事会成员, who have labored to make this strategic planning process and the resulting strategic plan truly one developed by the Ashland University family. We hope you are as excited about the plan, and the future it envisions, as we are. This plan articulates grand expectations – expectations we can not only meet but exceed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this plan and become a part of Ashland - Rich History/Bold Future.



The strategic plan for 2020-2025 is titled Rich History/Bold Future - Ashland 2025.  三个主题支持我们的战略计划:转型经验, 战略增长和授权社区.

An open invitation was extended to the campus community to join one of the theme teams. 根据回答, the three teams were formed to begin the challenging and exciting work to develop the primary objectives for each theme. 该战略计划已经过修订、审查和实施. 以下是足彩外围战略计划的三个主题, 与他们的目标和计划嵌套.



Strategic Growth
